
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

Privacy is acknowledged as a fundamental human right. Our Service has an ethical and legal responsibility to protect the privacy and confidentiality of children, individuals and families as outlined in Early Childhood Code of Ethics, National Education and Care Services National Regulations and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The right to privacy of all children, their families, and educators and staff of the Service will be upheld and respected, whilst ensuring that all children have access to high quality early years care and education. All staff members will maintain confidentiality of personal and sensitive information to foster positive trusting relationships with families.

For further information please contact: admin@delck.vic.edu.au
How we protect your personal information

To protect your personal and sensitive information, we maintain physical, technical and administrative safeguards.

  • All hard copies of information are stored in children’s individual files in a locked cupboard.
  • All computers used to store personal information are password protected.
  • Access to personal and sensitive information is restricted to key personal only.
  • Security software is installed on all computers
  • Data is regularly backed up on external drive and/or through a cloud storage solution
  • Any notifiable breach to data is reported
  • All staff are aware of the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your information.
Method of Collection

Information is generally collected using standard forms at the time of enrolment.

Additional information may be provided to the Service through email, surveys, telephone calls or other written communication.


Access to personal and sensitive information

Personal and sensitive information about you and your child will be stored securely at all times. The Approved Provider will ensure that information kept in a child’s record is not divulged or communicated through direct or indirect means to another person other than:

  • the extent necessary for the education and care or medical treatment of the child to whom the information relates
  • a parent of the child to whom the information relates, except in the case of information kept in a staff record
  • the Regulatory Authority or an authorised officer
  • as expressly authorised, permitted or required to be given by or under any Act or law [See: Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) Victoria]
  • with the written consent of the person who provided the information.
Disclosing personal and sensitive information

Our Service will only disclose personal or sensitive information to:

  • a third-party provider with parent permission (for example CCS software provider)
  • Child Protection Agency- Office of the Children’s Guardian and Regulatory Authority as per our Child Protection and Child Safe Environment Policies
  • as part of the purchase of our business asset with parental permission